About AS210630

AS210630 consists of 8 global POPs in the United States and Europe, offering pro-privacy and pro-speech services through Internet Speech & Privacy LLC and IncogNET LLC. This includes Server Hosting, WireGuard VPN services, Email Hosing, DNS services, and other related services.

Our Locations

Looking Glass options are available only in the locations in which we operate web hosting and server related services. For locations that we only utilize for DNS and VPN hosting, a looking glass is unavailable.

Liberty Lake, Washington

Part of the Spokane metro area in the pacific north west, with much traffic routing through Seattle.

Hosting & Servers • VPN • DNS

Kansas City, Missouri

Low latency coast to coast and to a general North American audience. This central location reaches far.

Hosting & Servers • VPN • DNS

Allentown, Pennsylvania

Allentown is within 250 miles of many major cities in the eastern and lower north eastern United States.

Hosting & Servers • VPN • DNS

Miami, Florida

A VPN and DNS POP offering great connectivity to the American South East and to Latin America.


Las Vegas, Nevada

Serving the American South West and beyond, Las Vegas stands as one of our VPN and DNS POPs.


New York, New York

Great connectivity to the American East Coast and low latency to Europe, a great VPN and DNS POP.


Naaldwijk, Netherlands

A flagship location offering all of our services with great connectivity and network quality servicing Europe.

Hosting & Servers • VPN • DNS • Mail

Roost, Luxembourg

A tiny country that is big on privacy, Luxembourg is a great POP for our VPN and DNS services.


Contact Us

General Contact

For general questions or concerns related to our network, but no sales!

Report Abuse

We take abuse seriously, please report any misuse of our network to us.